Sunday, September 23, 2012

Counting Down!

     There comes a moment where you just gotta say, "It's Time!"  Now is the time.  What is it time for?  Well, I've decided it is time for me to fit into my pre-baby clothes again.
     Now, I love being a mom and I've loved my baby since I first got word that I was pregnant.  In fact, I think my body loved be pregnant...a little too much in fact.  You see, everyone told me that by nursing I'd drop the weight so quickly.  They forgot to tell me that by nursing my body would retain a boat-load of water and I would ultimately be hungry and drained of all energy.  Did I mention my baby has been on a growth spurt since birth? Yes.  Since day 1!
    Luckily, the time comes where a baby is weaned and your body chemistry jumps back to its old self.  I'll explain more to you in person.   About a month ago, my body gave me the hint that it would not work against me any more when it came to trying to fit into my old clothes.  That day became my journey to "get my skinny on!"
     I am only about a mile or two on the road to that journey, but every pound is progress.  I want to say thank-you to everyone who has been kind to me at every pound that has stood on a scale.  I am so grateful for the love you have shown when I was thinner and when I had my baby inside of me, and also when I had my baby outside of me, but still carried the weight of my baby.  There have been days when I was worried to face the world, because I was afraid of what they saw.  I was afraid of being judged.  My clothes weren't as nice as they used to be, because I didn't fit into them anymore.  (I don't want to invest a lot into clothes until I can fit into my old ones again.)
     It's hard also, because my whole life I've been told not to gain any more weight.  I've been told my face is round, so I must watch my hairstyle.  No matter how skinny I have ever been, I have always been told something negative about my weight.  I guess at my thinnest it was, 'Now you are a perfect weight, stay this way.'  I obviously knew to ignore all of those words, because my friends loved me and people of the opposite sex showed interest in me.  Most importantly, the love of my life pursued me.  Of course, that was pre-baby weight, but I still had my curves.  He loved me for me and he made me know that.  He shut up that person who cast the shadow of negativity on me.  Because of that love, we got married!
     Well, because of that love, we had our precious baby boy, and, because of that love, I'm being encouraged to be the person I want to be.  Did I say it's about time?
     So I am fighting and not giving up.  I am counting my calories and I am running/swimming my way towards my goal.  I'm not doing this to please others.  Is it bad if I am doing it to fit into my clothes again?  I am ya' know.
     I'm also not doing this alone.  As of today, I am one of ten people I know who are doing this together.