Saturday, May 5, 2012

Marriage Seminar (video style)

Tonight, hubsy and I went to a marriage video seminar.  Good concepts.  However, the speaker (who was very good) sounded so much like Gilbert Godfried (pardon my spelling).  He approached his marriage therapy as comedian poking fun at what makes a man a man and a woman a woman.  The approach was very effective.  I just wish his voice didn't have the pins and needle effect on my brain.

Hubsy and I very much enjoyed the time together.  Often, when there was something we both saw that reflected our marriage, we looked at each other and smiled.  A good marriage really does have to have humor to it.  Each side is so different and our brains are wired so differently. 

Now, one of my favorite things about being a wife (this I will have to also copy to my magnanimous mole blog), is figuring out how to skillfully make use of my husband's manliness.  It might be for my personal gain, his personal gain, or for the betterment of our family.  Marriage is just too much fun to sweat the small stuff!

On days that I do get caught up on some trivial issue, he doesn't always go down with me.'s just have a thick skin that does get us through those silly disagreements.  Survival is really based upon finding humor like in the video seminars.

It also helps to have commitment.  Our marriage is based on our Faith in God and we never forget that we chose to say I Do.  We weren't pressured to get married and, due to our whirl-wind romance, we had a few people (my mom) really question us.  We were HEADSTRONG! 


Also, some people speak about how tough it is once you have a baby.  Not the case for us.  We love our baby who loves bananas!!!!!!  He always gives us something new to talk about and we have something new who requires our teamwork.


Hubsy's and my key to happiness: there are days when our whole world just goes to shambles and we just know we are o.k. because we are together.  We are over a thousand miles away from familiarity, but we have each other, a bubbly baby who likes bananas, and a God who loves us and you more than we could ever imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

This First american daughter's first post!

So I started this blog a couple years ago and I believe this is my First post.  This being said, I am writing to you over a thousand miles away from where I started this blog.  Hubster and I got married a few months short of three years ago, graduated from music school, moved to the edge of the country (and not the edge where either of our families lived), embarked upon a new life together, and had a little quapa baby boy.

Life looks so different now, but it is more exciting and adventurous than ever.  I am not exactly sure of what I will share with this blog.  So far I haven't kept up with my prior blogs.  I might share some humorous stories of the little boy who loves bananas, our new adventures in life, or maybe some exciting news here and there.  I'm not sure who will read this, but if you find yourself stumbling upon this page I hope you can gain some sort of new insight.

Now I must also explain the title of this page: The First American Daughter.  I am my mother's first American daughter.  I am not her first American child, because I have an older brother.  There are a lot of implications to this title and I am not sure that I can include all of them in one post.

Now, being a mother, I am just grateful for this title.  I am grateful of all that my mom has given me by sacrificing so much to be in this free world.  I love being a mom.  I love sharing my faith with my son, spoiling him just the right amount (and teaching him sacrifice as well), and working hard to take care of him!!!!!